Children in KS2 have been busy battling it out on Times Table Rockstars this past half term to see who can gain a new ‘rock star status’. Times Table Rockstars in an application accessible online which allows children to practice and recall their times tables whilst having fun and gaining points at the same time. The idea is that they become fluent with their times table knowledge through practising individually, battling against each other, other classes as well as their teachers!
The pictures were taken of the children in Class 4 busy concentrating whilst battling against Class 3 earlier this week. Over the half term, Class 3 challenged us to a battle and it was great to see so many children jump onboard, Class 4 managed to score an astonishing 20,000 points putting them into the lead but I’ve heard Class 3 are wanting to challenge us to another battle ... BRING IT ON!
There has been some huge improvements over the past term with children becomming more fluent and quicker at their tables. Please make sure you ask your child what 'Rock Star Status' they have gained recently. Keep up the good work boys and girls and don’t forget to KEEP ROCKING!!