Pancake Day

The week before half term the Class 4 and 5 Bubble enjoyed a change of scenery and ventured into the outdoor area. We combined RE/Food tec/Forest schools/maths/science/mental health and wellbeing all whilst having fun creating fire and cooking. All the children had a go at trying to use a fire striker to make fire and set light to cotton wool, a very tricky skill that requires a lot of perseverance (As Miss Downham found out and was a bit gutted that Mr Edmondson created fire first). Once the fire was lit and we made our pancake batter. The children had researched Shrove Tuesday and the link between Pancake day/Shrove Tuesday and Christianity. The children looked into the etymology of the word 'shriven' linked to shrove and how Christians would ask for the penance from a priest on this day. This day is also the last day before lent when Christians try and give something up for 40 days to remind them of Jesus who spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness and did not eat or drink during this time. All the children got a chance to cook a pancake on the fire and add the toppings of their choice. They were all very sensible when it came to quantity of topping. We also used a fire in the bottom of the Kelly Kettle to heat water and then make some Malteser hot chocolate with marshmallows. It was a beautiful day but freezing and the children coped very well with the cold and arrived suitably dressed, the ground was frozen so no muddy crutches or boots thankfully. It was great to spend some time outdoors with the children and they all behaved very well and sensibly around the fire.