In Class 5, our art throughout the Autumn Term has been inspired by Peter Thorpe. Peter began creating his work when he became so fed up of wasting paint, that he started to use his left overs to create abstract backgrounds with a space theme. We liked this artist as it linked to our learning in Science, and we thought his use of bold and bright colours really captured our own personal interpretations of space.
Throughout the term, we have used chalks and oil paints to capture our abstract backgrounds as well as planet interpretations, we used tooling foil to create rockets - using our etching skills to add intricate designs, ink pens to create self-portraits in the style of 'Wonder', as well as clay to create some beautiful space themed lumineer pots.
We still have lots of wonderful art and design planned, and intend to start sewing in the not so distant future. Keep your eyes peeled for more of our wonderful space creations.