We would like children to come to school prepared to learn and ready to work and in generating this effective learning environment we would like children to look smart and have a sense of belonging to our school community. We have a school uniform, which parents find smart, affordable and convenient. We pride ourselves on the appearance of our school and this includes school uniform. There is plenty of choice within our uniform code for children to celebrate their individuality. It is very practical and serves the important purpose of fostering a sense of belonging to Bentham Community Primary School. We would like children to feel proud to be part of our community and just as they have appropriate clothing for other organisations they may belong to e.g. Brownies, Dance club or football teams, they have clothing that is appropriate for school.
Uniform is available from:
Uniform & Leisurewear, 15 Common Garden Street, Lancaster, LA1 1XD 01524 388355
Bentham Community Primary School Uniform Policy
- Bottle Green sweatshirt (with the school logo optional)
- Grey or Black skirt / pinafore
- Bottle Green & White Striped / Checked Dress
- Grey or Black plain trousers (not leggings)
- Plain coloured socks (black, grey, bottle green or white)
- Grey or Black Shorts (Summer only preferred)
- White or Bottle Green Polo Shirt or Collared Shirt/Blouse
- Warm, waterproof outdoor coat
- Black flat shoes, sandals or boots which will not damage the fabric of the building.
These must be as plain as possible and boots should be appropriate for a school environment. Heavy boots or heels are not suitable. Please keep in mind that sandals should not have open toes as these are a potential health and safety risk to your child. The following are not allowed: - jeans, leggings, fashion shoes or boots, backless sandals or dangerous slippery shoes, crocs or flip-flops.
Jewellery, Make Up and Hair Styles
Rings, earrings and necklaces constitute a dangerous hazard at school. Serious injuries have been caused when items of jewellery have been caught in school apparatus. Earrings, apart from plain studs must not be worn. No jewellery is to be worn for PE. Nail polish or any other make-up should not be worn in school. Please can we ask that long hair is tied back at all times.
PE Kit
PE Kit
Children should wear their PE to school on their class PE days.
Nursery and Reception children brought to school in a small bag at the start of each half term.
- Plain dark shorts (black or blue)
- Plain White T-Shirt or Polo Shirt
- Black Pumps (indoor PE)
- Trainers (outdoor PE)
- Plain, warm jumper
- Plain, dark coloured jogging bottoms